Austin Beltrante

As a 13-year-old, Austin Beltrante was having fun with his friends while on a trestle above the train tracks and was holding onto a bar when his foot hit a live wire.
This caused Austin to be electrocuted setting him ablaze; He was thrown in the air, dropped 30+ feet, and landed on the tracks below.
Upon arriving at the hospital, there were nearly 40 doctors and nurses in the waiting room and operating room. None of the medical staff expected him to survive more than 24 hours, let alone 48.
Having been electrocution with 83% of his body burned, Austin's medical team felt no medicine could save his life while battling infections and has undergone multiple surgeries which became another threat to his life.
We called on our supporters as we cried asking for help. With 25+ grafting surgeries and amputations of both hands and legs, we knew Austin had a greater purpose on this earth.

With Austin's army, we prayed our hearts out watching him overcome multiple infections and the difficulties of being severely burned.
As weeks went by, Austin's road to recovery has led him to feel human again, let alone not feeling like a child yet.
With the support of prayers, cards, videos, and gifts, Austin's motivation allowed him to have another chance at living as he gets stronger physically and mentally.